Friday, 20 August 2010

Waterloo Subset

Waterloo Subset

Oh dear water can the matter be
Standards in public life
Have gone down the lavatory
What will become of the permanent secretary
Nobody knows who he’ll turn to
Bet any money he regrets ghost writing
And wish he had said pass
When asked to author Peter’s Gas
Shall he plead perhaps that he was insane
Affected by water on the brain
Let’s pay a consultant £1200 a day
And have him dictate what they have to say
To determine his fate
No that would just grate
All gas and gaiters
Have had their day
If the great and the grand
Fail to understand
That Governance also applies to them
No lip civil service and emails so sinister
And what shall become of the government minister
He focused on the procurement faults
Sending the non-execs to the vaults
Sealing their sorry fate and apportioning blame
Based on information which now seems so lame
Allowing himself to get involved in perfidy
Albeit perhaps a tad unwittingly
Perhaps he will stay on in liquidity
And blame someone else for his own stupidity
Put it all down to a minor judgement lapse
Will the last one to leave
Please turn off the taps